[package] name = "pkgcheck" version = "3.2.0" authors = ["Manfred Lotz "] description = "Command-line tool to check packages uploaded to CTAN." license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" edition = "2021" [[bin]] name = "pkgcheck" # with this option binaries are smaller # https://doc.rust-lang.org/edition-guide/rust-2018/error-handling-and-panics/aborting-on-panic.html [profile.release] panic = "abort" lto = true [dependencies] blake3 = "1.5" clap = { version = "4", features = ["derive"] } clap_complete = "4" clap_complete_nushell = "4.5" colored = "2" config = "0.14" escargot = "0.5" fern = "0.6" glob = "0.3" home = "0.5.9" once_cell = "1.19" #lazy_static = "1" linkify = "0.10" log = "0.4" num_cpus = "1" openssl-probe = "0.1.5" pest = "2.7" pest_derive = "2.7" regex = "1" reqwest = { version = "0.12", features = ["blocking", "gzip"] } rustc-hash = "1.1" scoped_threadpool = "0.1" serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } serde_yaml = "0.9" tempfile = "3.8" threadpool = "1.8" tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } unbytify = "0.2" unicode-bom = "2" url = "2.4" walkdir = "2.3" ##zip = { version = "^0.6", default-features = false, features = ["deflate"] } zip = { version = "^2.1", default-features = false, features = ["deflate"] } [dev-dependencies] assert_cmd = "2" predicates = "3" [package.metadata.deb] section = "utility" depends = "" priority = "optional" assets = [ [ "target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/pkgcheck", "usr/bin/", "755", ], [ "LICENSE-MIT", "usr/share/doc/pkgcheck/", "644", ], [ "LICENSE-APACHE", "usr/share/doc/pkgcheck/", "644", ], [ "README.md", "usr/share/doc/pkgcheck/README", "644", ], [ "docs/pkgcheck.pdf", "usr/share/doc/pkgcheck/pkgcheck.pdf", "644", ], ] extended-description = """\ A checker for uploaded packages to CTAN """ changelog = "CHANGES.md" [package.metadata.rpm] package = "pkgcheck" [package.metadata.rpm.cargo] buildflags = ["--release"] [package.metadata.rpm.targets] pkgcheck = { path = "/usr/bin/pkgcheck" }