\name{specPeaks} \alias{specPeaks} \title{Identify peaks in a sparse continuum mode spectrum} \description{ Given a spectrum, identify and list significant peaks as determined by several criteria. } \usage{ specPeaks(spec, sn = 20, mzgap = 0.2) } \arguments{ \item{spec}{matrix with named columns \code{mz} and \code{intensity}} \item{sn}{minimum signal to noise ratio} \item{mzgap}{ minimal distance between adjacent peaks, with smaller peaks being excluded } } \details{ Peaks must meet two criteria to be considered peaks: 1) Their s/n ratio must exceed a certain threshold. 2) They must not be within a given distance of any greater intensity peaks. } \value{ A matrix with columns: \item{mz}{m/z at maximum peak intensity} \item{intensity}{maximum intensity of the peak} \item{fwhm}{full width at half max of the peak} } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{getSpec}}, \code{\link{specNoise}} } \keyword{manip}