\name{retcor-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{retcor.obiwarp} \alias{retcor.obiwarp,xcmsSet-method} \title{Align retention times across samples with Obiwarp} \description{ Calculate retention time deviations for each sample. It is based on the code at \url{http://obi-warp.sourceforge.net/}. However, this function is able to align multiple samples, by a center-star strategy. For the original publication see Chromatographic Alignment of ESI-LC-MS Proteomics Data Sets by Ordered Bijective Interpolated Warping John T. Prince and, Edward M. Marcotte Analytical Chemistry 2006 78 (17), 6140-6152 } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsSet"}{ retcor(object, method="obiwarp", plottype = c("none", "deviation", "mdevden"),col = NULL, ty = NULL, profStep=1, r=NULL, g=NULL, cor = NULL, l=NULL, i\_=0) } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{the \code{xcmsSet} object} \item{plottype}{ if \code{deviation} plot retention time deviation points and regression fit, and if \code{mdevden} also plot peak overall peak density and retention time correction peak density } \item{col}{vector of colors for plotting each sample} \item{ty}{vector of line and point types for plotting each sample} \item{profStep}{step size (in m/z) to use for profile generation from the raw data files} \item{r}{Responsiveness of warping. 0 will give a linear warp based on start and end points. 100 will use all bijective anchors} \item{g}{Gap penalty given in comma separated string: initiate,extend (*)Defaults: (gap\_init,gap\_extend) [by score type]: 'cor' = '0.3,2.4' 'cov' = '0,11.7' 'prd' = '0,7.8' 'euc' = '0.9,1.8'} \item{cor}{Score function: (*)cor (Pearson's R) or cor\_opt (better runtime), cov (covariance), prd (product), euc (Euclidean distance)} \item{l}{Local rather than *global alignment} \item{i\_}{Penalty for initiating alignment (for local alignment only) (*)Default: 0} } \value{ An \code{xcmsSet} object } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsSet-class}}, } \keyword{methods}