# CallbackInfo The object representing the components of the JavaScript request being made. The `Napi::CallbackInfo` object is usually created and passed by the Node.js runtime or node-addon-api infrastructure. The `Napi::CallbackInfo` object contains the arguments passed by the caller. The number of arguments is returned by the `Length` method. Each individual argument can be accessed using the `operator[]` method. The `SetData` and `Data` methods are used to set and retrieve the data pointer contained in the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object. ## Methods ### Constructor ```cpp Napi::CallbackInfo::CallbackInfo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info); ``` - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object. - `[in] info`: The `napi_callback_info` data structure from which to construct the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object. ### Env ```cpp Napi::Env Napi::CallbackInfo::Env() const; ``` Returns the `Env` object in which the request is being made. ### NewTarget ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::CallbackInfo::NewTarget() const; ``` Returns the `new.target` value of the constructor call. If the function that was invoked (and for which the `Napi::NCallbackInfo` was passed) is not a constructor call, a call to `IsEmpty()` on the returned value returns true. ### IsConstructCall ```cpp bool Napi::CallbackInfo::IsConstructCall() const; ``` Returns a `bool` indicating if the function that was invoked (and for which the `Napi::CallbackInfo` was passed) is a constructor call. ### Length ```cpp size_t Napi::CallbackInfo::Length() const; ``` Returns the number of arguments passed in the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object. ### operator [] ```cpp const Napi::Value operator [](size_t index) const; ``` - `[in] index`: The zero-based index of the requested argument. Returns a `Napi::Value` object containing the requested argument. ### This ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::CallbackInfo::This() const; ``` Returns the JavaScript `this` value for the call ### Data ```cpp void* Napi::CallbackInfo::Data() const; ``` Returns the data pointer for the callback. ### SetData ```cpp void Napi::CallbackInfo::SetData(void* data); ``` - `[in] data`: The new data pointer to associate with this `Napi::CallbackInfo` object. Returns `void`. ### Not documented here ```cpp Napi::CallbackInfo::~CallbackInfo(); // Disallow copying to prevent multiple free of _dynamicArgs Napi::CallbackInfo::CallbackInfo(CallbackInfo const &) = delete; void Napi::CallbackInfo::operator=(CallbackInfo const &) = delete; ```