Document: blends-doc Title: Debian Pure Blends Author: Andreas Tille Abstract: This paper is intended to people who are interested in the philosophy of Debian Pure Blends and the technique which is used to manage those projects. . It is explained in detail why these are no forks from Debian but reside completely inside the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and which advantages can be gathered by this approach. The concept of meta-packages and user role based menus is explained. In short: This document describes why Debian Pure Blends are important to the vitality and quality of Debian. Section: Debian Format: HTML Index: /usr/share/doc/blends-doc/html/index.html Files: /usr/share/doc/blends-doc/html/*.html Format: text Files: /usr/share/doc/blends-doc/debian-blends.en.txt.gz Format: pdf Files: /usr/share/doc/blends-doc/debian-blends.en.pdf