wv 0.1.1
This R package provides a series of tools to compute and plot
quantities related to wavelet transformation and wavelet variance (WV).
More specifically, it provides the following features:
- Calculation and plotting of coefficients for the Discrete Wavelet
Transform (DWT) and Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform
- Computation of WV and robust WV as well as of their respective
confidence intervals.
- Visualization of the estimated WV with different options comparing
classic and robust estimates as well as different times series.
Compared to the 0.1.0 version, we add the application of wavelet
variance on IMU data. Specifically, we add the following new
- New function wvar.imu() which allows the computation of wavelet
variance based on IMU data;
- New function plot.imu_wvar() which allows to plot the wavelet
variance computed based on IMU data;
- A few datasets of wavelet variance based on real IMU data as
examples to test the new functions.