## ----setup, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse=TRUE, comment="#>", warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, error=FALSE ) ## ----library--------------------------------------------------------------- library(BiocStyle) library(HPAanalyze) library(tibble) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(hpar) ## ----echo=FALSE, fig.cap="HPAanalyze workflow.", out.width = '100%'-------- knitr::include_graphics("figures/workflow.png") ## ----downloadedData, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # # this gives you the latest everything, which is nice to keep but not really necessary # downloadedData <- hpaDownload(downloadList='all') # summary(downloadedData) # # #> Length Class Mode # #> normal_tissue 6 tbl_df list # #> pathology 11 tbl_df list # #> subcellular_location 11 tbl_df list # #> rna_tissue 5 tbl_df list # #> rna_cell_line 5 tbl_df list # #> transcript_rna_tissue 4 tbl_df list # #> transcript_rna_cell_line 4 tbl_df list ## ----histology------------------------------------------------------------- downloadedData <- hpaDownload(downloadList='histology', version='example') # version = "example" will load the HPA v18 datasets came with this package. That's sufficient for normal usage, and save you some time. ## ----normal_tissue--------------------------------------------------------- tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$normal_tissue, give.attr=FALSE) ## ----pathology------------------------------------------------------------- tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$pathology, give.attr=FALSE) ## ----subcellular_location-------------------------------------------------- tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$subcellular_location, give.attr=FALSE) ## ----rna1, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------------------ downloadedData <- hpaDownload(downloadList='rna', version='hpar') # version = "hpar" give you the datasets bundled with the hpar package, which is another option. tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$rna_tissue, give.attr=FALSE) ## ----rna2, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------------------ tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$rna_cell_line, give.attr=FALSE) ## ----isoform1, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # downloadedData <- hpaDownload(downloadList='isoform', version='v18') # # version = "v18" is an example of how you may download different versions of the HPA datasets. Just change the number. Note that not all versions are available from the HPA website. # # tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$transcript_rna_tissue, give.attr=FALSE) # # #> Observations: 27,535,996 # #> Variables: 4 # #> $ ensembl "ENSG00000000003", "ENSG00000000003", "ENSG0000000... # #> $ transcript "ENST00000373020", "ENST00000494424", "ENST0000049... # #> $ tissue "adipose tissue.V1", "adipose tissue.V1", "adipose... # #> $ value 27.3577003, 0.0000000, 1.9341500, 1.6059300, 0.000... ## ----isoform2, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # tibble::glimpse(downloadedData$transcript_rna_cell_line, give.attr=FALSE) # # #> Observations: 20,972,183 # #> Variables: 4 # #> $ ensembl "ENSG00000000003", "ENSG00000000003", "ENSG0000000... # #> $ transcript "ENST00000373020", "ENST00000494424", "ENST0000049... # #> $ cell_line "A-431.C35", "A-431.C35", "A-431.C35", "A-431.C35"... # #> $ value 29.406799, 0.000000, 0.992916, 0.398387, 0.239204,... ## ----hpar1, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # hpaDownload('all', 'hpar') ## ----hpar2----------------------------------------------------------------- hpar::getHpaVersion() hpar::getHpaDate() hpar::getHpaEnsembl() ## ----list_param, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # ## If you use the output from hpaDownload() # downloadedData <- hpaDownload(downloadList='all') # str(hpaListParam(downloadedData)) # # #> List of 6 # #> $ normal_tissue : chr [1:58] "adrenal gland" "appendix" "bone marrow" "breast" ... # #> $ normal_cell : chr [1:82] "glandular cells" "lymphoid tissue" "hematopoietic cells" "adipocytes" ... # #> $ cancer : chr [1:20] "breast cancer" "carcinoid" "cervical cancer" "colorectal cancer" ... # #> $ subcellular_location: chr [1:32] "Cytosol" "Mitochondria" "Aggresome" "Plasma membrane" ... # #> $ normal_tissue_rna : chr [1:37] "adipose tissue" "adrenal gland" "appendix" "bone marrow" ... # #> $ cell_line_rna : chr [1:64] "A-431" "A549" "AF22" "AN3-CA" ... ## ----list_param_2---------------------------------------------------------- ## If you use leave the argument blank str(hpaListParam()) ## ----subset1, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------- downloadedData <- hpaDownload(downloadList='histology', version='example') sapply(downloadedData, nrow) ## ----subset2, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------- geneList <- c('TP53', 'EGFR', 'CD44', 'PTEN', 'IDH1', 'IDH2', 'CYCS') tissueList <- c('breast', 'cerebellum', 'skin 1') cancerList <- c('breast cancer', 'glioma', 'melanoma') cellLineList <- c('A-431', 'A549', 'AF22', 'AN3-CA') subsetData <- hpaSubset(data=downloadedData, targetGene=geneList, targetTissue=tissueList, targetCancer=cancerList, targetCellLine=cellLineList) sapply(subsetData, nrow) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- id <- c("ENSG00000000003", "ENSG00000000005") hpar::getHpa(id, hpadata="hpaNormalTissue") %>% tibble::glimpse() ## ----eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # hpaExport(subsetData, fileName='subset.xlsx', fileType='xlsx') ## ----visData, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------- downloadedData <- hpaDownload('histology', 'example') ## ----hpaVis_eg------------------------------------------------------------- hpaVis(targetGene = c("GCH1", "PTS", "SPR", "DHFR"), targetTissue = c("cerebellum", "cerebral cortex", "hippocampus"), targetCancer = c("glioma")) ## ----visTissue, fig.wide--------------------------------------------------- geneList <- c('TP53', 'EGFR', 'CD44', 'PTEN', 'IDH1', 'IDH2', 'CYCS') tissueList <- c('breast', 'cerebellum', 'skin 1') hpaVisTissue(downloadedData, targetGene=geneList, targetTissue=tissueList) ## ----visPatho, fig.wide---------------------------------------------------- geneList <- c('TP53', 'EGFR', 'CD44', 'PTEN', 'IDH1', 'IDH2', 'CYCS') cancerList <- c('breast cancer', 'glioma', 'lymphoma', 'prostate cancer') colorGray <- c('slategray1', 'slategray2', 'slategray3', 'slategray4') hpaVisPatho(downloadedData, targetGene=geneList, targetCancer=cancerList, color=colorGray) ## ----visSubcell------------------------------------------------------------ geneList <- c('TP53', 'EGFR', 'CD44', 'PTEN', 'IDH1', 'IDH2', 'CYCS') hpaVisSubcell(downloadedData, targetGene=geneList, customTheme=TRUE) + ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::ylab('Subcellular locations') + ggplot2::xlab('Protein') + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none") + ggplot2::coord_equal() ## ----eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # EGFR <- hpaXml(inputXml='ENSG00000146648') # names(EGFR) # # #> [1] "ProtClass" "TissueExprSum" "Antibody" "TissueExpr" ## ----hpar_site, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # hpar::getHpa('ENSG00000146648', type="details") ## ----XmlGet, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # EGFRxml <- hpaXmlGet('ENSG00000146648') ## ----XmlProtClass, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------- # hpaXmlProtClass(EGFRxml) # # #> # A tibble: 40 x 4 # #> id name parent_id source # #> # #> 1 Ez Enzymes # #> 2 Ec ENZYME proteins Ez ENZYME # #> 3 Et Transferases Ec ENZYME # #> 4 Ki Kinases Ez UniProt # #> 5 Kt Tyr protein kinases Ki UniProt # #> 6 Ma Predicted membrane proteins MDM # #> 7 Md Membrane proteins predicted by MDM MDM # #> 8 Me MEMSAT3 predicted membrane proteins MEMSAT3 # #> 9 Mf MEMSAT-SVM predicted membrane proteins MEMSAT-SVM # #> 10 Mg Phobius predicted membrane proteins Phobius # #> # ... with 30 more rows ## ----XmlTissueExprSum, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # hpaXmlTissueExprSum(EGFRxml) # # #> $summary # #> [1] "Cytoplasmic and membranous expression in several tissues, most abundant in placenta." # #> # #> $img # #> tissue # #> 1 cerebral cortex # #> 2 lymph node # #> 3 liver # #> 4 colon # #> 5 kidney # #> 6 testis # #> 7 placenta # #> imageUrl # #> 1 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_B_7_5_rna_selected.jpg # #> 2 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_A_7_8_rna_selected.jpg # #> 3 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_A_7_4_rna_selected.jpg # #> 4 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_A_9_3_rna_selected.jpg # #> 5 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_A_9_5_rna_selected.jpg # #> 6 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_A_6_6_rna_selected.jpg # #> 7 http://v18.proteinatlas.org/images/18530/41191_A_1_7_rna_selected.jpg ## ----XmlAntibody, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # hpaXmlAntibody(EGFRxml) # # #> # A tibble: 5 x 4 # #> id releaseDate releaseVersion RRID # #> # #> 1 CAB000035 2006-03-13 1.2 # #> 2 HPA001200 2008-02-15 3.1 AB_1078723 # #> 3 HPA018530 2008-12-03 4.1 AB_1848044 # #> 4 CAB068186 2014-11-06 13 AB_2665679 # #> 5 CAB073534 2015-10-16 14 ## ----XmlTissueExpr1, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # tissueExpression <- hpaXmlTissueExpr(EGFRxml) # summary(tissueExpression) # # #> Length Class Mode # #> [1,] 18 tbl_df list # #> [2,] 18 tbl_df list # #> [3,] 18 tbl_df list # #> [4,] 18 tbl_df list # #> [5,] 18 tbl_df list ## ----XmlTissueExpr2, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # tissueExpression[[1]] # # #> # A tibble: 327 x 18 # #> patientId age sex staining intensity quantity location imageUrl # #> # #> 1 1653 53 Male http://~ # #> 2 1721 60 Fema~ http://~ # #> 3 1725 57 Male http://~ # #> 4 4 25 Male http://~ # #> 5 512 34 Fema~ http://~ # #> 6 2664 74 Fema~ http://~ # #> 7 2665 88 Fema~ http://~ # #> 8 1391 54 Fema~ http://~ # #> 9 1447 45 Fema~ http://~ # #> 10 1452 44 Fema~ http://~ # #> # ... with 317 more rows, and 10 more variables: snomedCode1 , # #> # snomedCode2 , snomedCode3 , snomedCode4 , # #> # snomedCode5 , tissueDescription1 , tissueDescription2 , # #> # tissueDescription3 , tissueDescription4 , # #> # tissueDescription5