## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # load the package library(hierinf) # random number generator (for parallel computing) RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") # We use a small build-in data set for our toy example. data(simGWAS) # The genotype, phenotype and the control variables are saved in # different objects. sim.geno <- simGWAS$x sim.pheno <- simGWAS$y sim.clvar <- simGWAS$clvar ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define the second level of the tree structure. block <- data.frame("colname" = paste0("SNP.", 1:1000), "block" = rep(c("chrom 1", "chrom 2"), each = 500), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Cluster the SNPs dendr <- cluster_var(x = sim.geno, block = block) # # the following arguments have to be specified # # for parallel computation # parallel = "multicore", # ncpus = 2) ## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # # Define the second level of the tree structure. # position <- data.frame("colnames" = paste0("SNP.", 1:1000), # "position" = seq(from = 1, to = 1000), # stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # # # # Build the hierarchical tree based on the position # # The argument block defines the second level of the tree structure. # dendr.pos <- cluster_position(position = position, # block = block) # # # the following arguments have to be # # # specified for parallel computation # # parallel = "multicore", # # ncpus = 2) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test the hierarchy using multi sample split set.seed(1234) result <- test_hierarchy(x = sim.geno, y = sim.pheno, clvar = sim.clvar, # alternatively: dendr = dendr.pos dendr = dendr, family = "binomial") # # the following arguments have to be # # specified for parallel computation # parallel = "multicore", # ncpus = 2) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ print(result, n.terms = 4) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (coln.cluster <- result$res.hierarchy[[2, "significant.cluster"]]) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ compute_r2(x = sim.geno, y = sim.pheno, clvar = sim.clvar, res.test.hierarchy = result, family = "binomial", colnames.cluster = coln.cluster) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The data sets need to be stored in different elements of a list. # Note that the order has to be the same for all the lists. # As a simple example, we artificially split the observations of the # toy data set in two parts, i.e. two data sets. set.seed(89) ind1 <- sample(1:500, 250) ind2 <- setdiff(1:500, ind1) sim.geno.2dat <- list(sim.geno[ind1, ], sim.geno[ind2, ]) sim.clvar.2dat <- list(sim.clvar[ind1, ], sim.clvar[ind2, ]) sim.pheno.2dat <- list(sim.pheno[ind1], sim.pheno[ind2]) # Cluster the SNPs dendr <- cluster_var(x = sim.geno.2dat, block = block) # # the following arguments have to be specified # # for parallel computation # parallel = "multicore", # ncpus = 2) # Test the hierarchy using multi sample split set.seed(1234) result <- test_hierarchy(x = sim.geno.2dat, y = sim.pheno.2dat, clvar = sim.clvar.2dat, dendr = dendr, family = "binomial") # # the following arguments have to be # # specified for parallel computation # parallel = "multicore", # ncpus = 2) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ print(result, n.terms = 4)