Version 1.0.3 ________________________________________________________________________________ updated citation. Runtime improvement: - direct implementation of quantile function using quantile function of gamma distribution Version 1.0.2 ________________________________________________________________________________ Bugfixes: - addCNV: Fixed crash when only one normal sample is present - addCoverage: fixed chr sorting issue in absence of bam index Version 1.0.0 ________________________________________________________________________________ fist stable release Version 0.99.6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Bugfixes: - addCNV: check for sample table now checks specified files for CNV Version 0.99.5 ________________________________________________________________________________ New features - user level functions now have sample id check - more detailed tutorial, including case study Bugfixes: - makeTable: fixed groupMeans without individual samples Version 0.99.4 ________________________________________________________________________________ New functions: - multicore support for bam file processing - memory and runtime optimizations Bugfixes: - bug in consideration of zygosity of chromosomes Version 0.99.3 ________________________________________________________________________________ Bugfixes: - updated imported NAMESPACE Version 0.99.2 ________________________________________________________________________________ New functions: - option to set ploidity for chromosomes, i.e. to account for sex chromosomes Bugfixes: - fixed bug resulting in NA values at quantile calculation for beta estimates - minor fixes Documentation: - changed vignette builder to knitr/BiocStyle/html Version 0.99.1 ________________________________________________________________________________ Bugfixes: - fixed crashing plotCoverage with one sample - qseaPCA-show - typo in error-message of getOffset (rpw) - resolved namespace issues Version 0.99.0 ________________________________________________________________________________ - Submission to Bioconductor