## ----echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- options(markdown.HTML.options = "toc") ## ----message = FALSE, echo = FALSE--------------------------------------- library(AnalysisPageServer) rookforkOK <- AnalysisPageServer:::checkRookForkForVignettes() ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- library(AnalysisPageServer) hello <- build.service(function() "Hello, world!", name = "hello") class(hello) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg <- new.registry(hello) class(reg) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pages(reg, include.services = TRUE) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ identical(get.page(reg, "hello"), hello) ## ----eval=TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------------------------- port <- 3324 ## or some other port server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) server ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ kill.process(server) ## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) # on.exit(try(kill.process(server))) ## ----message = FALSE----------------------------------------------------- app <- new.rook.analysis.page.app(reg) ## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # rook.server <- Rook::Rhttpd$new() # rook.server$add(app, name = "RAPS") # rook.server$start(port = port) # # ## Ping the server from another R process or from your web browser ... # # ## Then stop the server # rook.server$stop() ## ----echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- if(rookforkOK) { rook.server <- Rook::Rhttpd$new() rook.server$add(app, name = "RAPS") rook.server$start(port = port) ## Ping the server from another R process or from your web browser ... ## Then stop the server rook.server$stop() } else { no.rook.fork.msg } ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ app.base.url <- paste0("", port, "/custom/RAPS") url <- service.link(page = "hello", app.base.url = app.base.url) cat(readLines(url, warn = FALSE), "\n") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ kill.process(server) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sine <- build.service(function(theta) sin(theta), name = "sine") reg <- new.registry(sine, hello) server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ show.analysis <- function(page, params = list(), show.url = FALSE) { url <- service.link(page, params, app.base.url) if(show.url) cat(url, "\n") response <- readLines(url, warn = FALSE) rjson::fromJSON(response) } show.analysis("hello", show.url = TRUE) show.analysis("sine", list(theta = 3.141592653), show.url = TRUE) kill.process(server) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cx.return <- build.service(function() { list(A = 1:5, B = "Able was I", C = list(x = 1, y = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))) }, name = "complex") reg <- new.registry(cx.return) server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) show.analysis("complex") kill.process(server) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cx.param <- build.service(function(struct, n) { ## In Javascript: ## struct["A"][n - 1] struct$A[n] }, name = "cxpar") reg <- new.registry(cx.param) server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) show.analysis("cxpar", list(struct = list(A = c(3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3)), n = 6), show.url = TRUE) kill.process(server) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ poem.file <- system.file("examples/in-a-station-of-the-metro.html", package="AnalysisPageServer") poem.html <- readLines(poem.file, warn = FALSE) poem <- build.service(function() { new.response(paste0(poem.html, "\n"), content.type = "text/html") }, name = "poem") reg <- new.registry(poem) server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) url <- service.link("poem", app.base.url = app.base.url) readLines(url, warn = FALSE) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ kill.process(server) ## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # volcano <- build.service(function(colors = c("red","white","purple")) { # plotfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") # png(plotfile, width = 600, height = 400) # par(mar=c(1, 1, 4, 1)) # col <- colorRampPalette(colors)(50) # image(datasets::volcano, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = "Maunga Whau Volcano", # col = col, cex.main = 2) # dev.off() # # plot.data <- readBin(plotfile, "raw", n = file.info(plotfile)[, "size"]) # # new.response(body = plot.data, # content.type = "image/png") # }, name = "volcano") # reg <- new.registry(volcano) # server <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port) ## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # kill.process(server)