CHANGES IN VERSION 3.2.2 ------------------------- NEW FEATURE o Update citations CHANGES IN VERSION 3.2.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURE o Add one citation CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0.1 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o give errors when inputs of addGeneIDs is incorrect. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURE o From RangedData to Granges o High efficiency o Find Overlaps for more than 2 groups o Add Utility test o Add new function binOverFeature, egOrgMap. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.17.2 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o add byBase for makeVennDiagram. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.11.4 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o Add selection of 'shortestDistance' to output parameter of annotatePeakInBatch. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.12.3 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o relative postion for negative strand are not correct when call findOverlappingPeaks. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.11.4 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o Add selection of 'shortestDistance' to output parameter of annotatePeakInBatch. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.11.3 ------------------------ NEW FEATURE o Improved efficiency of annotatePeakInBatch. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.9.6 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Changed Enhancer.Silencer to intergenic.Region in assignChromosomeRegion. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.9.5 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o negative widths are not allowed when call findOverlappingPeaks. NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 2.2.0 ------------------------ o Find the peaks with bi-directional promoters with summary statistics (peaksNearBDP). o Summarize the occurrence of motifs in peaks (summarizePatternInPeaks). o Add other IDs to annotated peaks or enrichedGO (addGeneIDs)The function makeVennDiagram supports 4-way venn diagram. o Enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms are annotated with a list of genes which can be traced back to peaks. o FAQ: o Summarize peak distribution over exon, intron, enhancer, proximal promoter, 5 prime UTR and 3 prime UTR (assignChromosomeRegion)