
Tools for post-processing SVG plots created in R

This package is an example of how we can post-process SVG files generated with R graphics, at present just those generated via the svg() function within R itself using the cairo library. (Support for RSVGDevice may be added in the future.) The idea is that we can add "effects" to the SVG components such as putting tooltips on the elements (points, bars, etc.) in the plot, animating points over "time" within one or more plots, changing colors of symbols within plots for simple linking. The package provides high-level facilities for annotating the plots, and also low-level facilities for finding plot regions, lattice panels and strips, determining coordinates of regions and so on. Others can use these to provide additional annotation functionality. This also provides facilities for adding a reference to a CSS file so that the appearance of certain types of elements can be controlled externally, e.g. links. This package contains JavaScript code for inteactive GUI components rendered via SVG. This is code written by Andreas Neumann and Andreas Winter and obtained from This differs from Tony Plate's RSVGTipsDevice as a) it uses the SVG device within R based on libcairo, and b) it does not use global variables and require tooltips and hyperrefs to be specified one at a time and before drawing each individual shape. Instead, this approach allows us deal with all elements of an R plot and add SVG features to each of them. This package was put together as a proof of concept and example of how to go about doing this sort of post-processing to enhance R plots to make them interactive and dynamic/animated. More can be done and what has been done can be done better. Others are encouraged to submit enhancements, changes, etc.

Author Duncan Temple Lang
Maintainer Duncan Temple Lang

To install this package, start R and enter:



No vignettes available
Reference Manual


grDevices , methods , XML
System Requirements
License BSD
Depends On Me
Imports Me
Suggests Me

Package Downloads

Package source SVGAnnotation_0.9-0.tar.gz
Windows 32-bit binary
Windows 64-bit binary
MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard) binary SVGAnnotation_0.9-0.tgz