\name{SBMLDocument-class} \docType{class} \alias{SBMLDocument-class} \alias{coerce,SBMLDocument,graph-method} \alias{coerce,SBMLDocument,SBML-method} \alias{rsbml_check,SBMLDocument-method} \alias{rsbml_check} \alias{rsbml_dom,SBMLDocument-method} \alias{rsbml_dom} \alias{rsbml_graph,SBMLDocument-method} \alias{rsbml_graph} \alias{rsbml_problems,SBMLDocument-method} \alias{rsbml_problems} \alias{rsbml_write,SBMLDocument-method} \alias{rsbml_xml,SBMLDocument-method} \alias{as.character.SBMLDocument} \alias{simulate,SBMLDocument-method} \title{"SBMLDocument" from libsbml} \description{Low-level libsbml document structure.} \section{Instantiation}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.} \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{oldClass}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{rsbml\_check}{\code{signature(object = "SBMLDocument")}: \code{rsbml_check(object, quiet = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)}: semantically validates the document. If \code{quiet} is \code{TRUE}, emits warnings describing errors and fatal failures encountered when the document was parsed. If \code{verbose} is also \code{TRUE}, reports less critical warnings about problems in the model, such as internal inconsistencies.} \item{rsbml\_dom}{\code{signature(doc = "SBMLDocument")}: Constructs an S4 object model from a libsbml document. } \item{rsbml\_graph}{\code{signature(doc = "SBMLDocument")}: Converts a libsbml document to a \code{\link[graph:graph-class]{graph}}. } \item{rsbml\_problems}{\code{signature(object = "SBMLDocument")}: reports problems encountered during parsing and/or validation.} \item{rsbml\_write}{\code{signature(object = "SBMLDocument")}: writes this document to a file as SBML. } \item{rsbml\_xml}{\code{signature(object = "SBMLDocument")}: converts this document to a string as SBML. } \item{simulate}{\code{signature(object = "SBMLDocument")}: \code{simulate(object, nsim = 10, seed, ...)}: a shortcut for simulating the model in this document using the SBML ODE Solver library. Arguments in \code{...} should match slots of \code{\linkS4class{SOSProtocol}}. See \code{\link{simulate}} for more details.} } } \examples{ # Read a document into an R DOM dom <- rsbml_read(system.file("sbml", "GlycolysisLayout.xml", package = "rsbml")) # Convert to a graph graph <- rsbml_graph(dom) # Write it out to a file \dontrun{rsbml_write(dom, "my.xml")} # Or convert it to a string of XML rsbml_xml(dom) # Read into external libsbml data structure doc <- rsbml_read(system.file("sbml", "GlycolysisLayout.xml", package = "rsbml"), dom = FALSE) # Convert it explicitly to an S4 DOM dom <- rsbml_dom(doc) } \references{\url{http://sbml.org/documents/}} \author{Michael Lawrence} \keyword{classes}