\name{sample2response} \alias{sample2response} \title{sample2response} \description{ Probabilistic sample-response assignments for given subnet. } \usage{sample2response(model, subnet.id)} \arguments{ \item{ model }{Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function).} \item{ subnet.id }{Subnet identifier. A natural number which specifies one of the subnetworks within the 'model' object.} } \value{A matrix of probabilities. Sample-response assignments for given subnet, listing the probability of each response, given a sample.} \references{Leo Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. Bioinformatics (2010). See citation("netresponse") for citation details.} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \examples{ #library(netresponse) #data( toydata ) # Load toy data set #D <- toydata$emat # Response matrix (for example, gene expression) #netw <- toydata$netw # Network # Detect network responses #model <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE) # Assign samples to responses (soft, probabilistic assignments sum to 1) #response.probabilities <- sample2response(model, subnet.id = "Subnet-1") } \keyword{utilities}