\name{annotateVariants} \alias{annotateVariants} \alias{annotateVariants,AVASet,missing-method} \alias{annotateVariants,MapperSet,BSgenome-method} \alias{annotateVariants,MapperSet,missing-method} \alias{annotateVariants,data.frame,missing-method} \title{Adds genomic information to variants} \description{This method annotates given genomic variants (mutations). Annotation includes affected genes, exons and codons. Resulting amino acid changes are returned as well as dbSNP identifiers, if the mutation is already known. All information is fetched from Ensembl via biomaRt using the datasets \code{hsapiens_gene_ensembl} and \code{hsapiens_snp}.} \usage{annotateVariants(object, bsGenome)} \arguments{ \item{object}{A data frame storing variants or an instance of AVASet/MapperSet or a data frame (see details).} \item{bsGenome}{An object of class \code{BSGenome} giving the genome to be used as reference sequence to calculate amino acid changes. This argument is only applicable when \code{object} is of type \code{\link{MapperSet}}. Default is \sQuote{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19}. Note that the genome should fit to the Ensembl annotation.} } \details{If a data frame is given, the following columns must be present: \tabular{ll}{ start \tab genomic start position in the current Ensembl genome\cr end \tab genomic end position in the current Ensembl genome\cr chromosome \tab chromosome in ensembl notation (i.e. "1", "2", ..., "Y")\cr strand \tab "+" or "-" relative to the nucleotide bases given below\cr seqRef \tab reference sequence\cr seqMut \tab sequence of the observed variant\cr seqSur \tab reference sequence extended for 3 bases in both directions } The rownames of the data frame are used as mutations' names (IDs). See examples for a properly defined data drame. } \value{An object of class \code{AnnotatedVariants}. Affected genes, transcripts and exon as well as known SNPs are stored in a list-like structure. See the documentation of class \code{\link{AnnotatedVariants-class}} for details.} \seealso{\code{\link{AnnotatedVariants-class}}, \code{\link{AVASet-class}}, \code{\link{MapperSet-class}}, \code{\link{htmlReport}}} \examples{ variants = data.frame( start=c(106157528, 106154991,106156184), end=c(106157528, 106154994,106156185), chromosome=c("4", "4", "4"), strand=c("+", "+", "+"), seqRef=c("A", "ATAG", "---"), seqMut=c("G", "----", "ATA"), seqSur=c("TACAGAA", "TTTATAGATA", "AGC---TCC"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) rownames(variants) = c("snp", "del", "ins") \dontrun{annotateVariants(variants)} } \author{Hans-Ulrich Klein} \keyword{annotateVariants}