\name{P.preestimation} \alias{P.preestimation} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Pre-estimation of the transcriptional pertubation targets matrix P } \description{ Pre-estimate the potential transcriptional perturbation targets matrix \emph{P} according to gene expression data \emph{X} . Those genes with the changes in top topK will be assumed as possible targets of the perturbations. } \usage{ P.preestimation(X, topK) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{X}{ Gene expression data, a matrix with rows as genes and columns as experiments. } \item{topK}{ The number of possible targets of the perturbations. } } \value{ A matrix with the same structure of \emph{X} or \emph{P}. } \author{ Wei Xiao, Yin Jin, Darong Lai, Xinyi Yang, Yuanhua Liu, Christine Nardini } \examples{ data(sos.data) X<-sos.data X<-as.matrix(X) IX<-P.preestimation(X, topK= round(0.6*nrow(X))) IX } \keyword{ arith }