\name{EM} \alias{EM} \title{ A function to compute the NPMLE of p based on the incidence matrix A. } \description{ The incidence matrix, \code{A} is the m by n matrix that represents the data. There are m probabilities that must be estimated. The EM, or expectation maximization, method is applied to these data. } \usage{ EM(A, pvec, maxiter=500, tol=1e-12) } \arguments{ \item{A}{ The incidence matrix. } \item{pvec}{ The probability vector. } \item{maxiter}{ The maximum number of iterations. } \item{tol}{ The tolerance used to judge convergence. } } \details{ Lots. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{icsurv}} containing the following components: \item{pf }{The NPMLE of the probability vector.} \item{numiter }{The number of iterations used.} \item{converge }{ A boolean indicating whether the algorithm converged.} \item{intmap }{ If present indicates the real representation of the support for the values in \code{pf}. } } \references{The EM algorithm applied to the maximal cliques of the intersection graph of the censored data. \emph{The empirical distribution function with arbitrarily grouped, censored and truncated data}, B. W. Turnbull, 1976, JRSS;B.} \author{ Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman. } \seealso{ \code{\link{VEM}}, \code{\link{ISDM}}, \code{\link{EMICM}}, \code{\link{PGM}} } \examples{ data(cosmesis) csub1 <- subset(cosmesis, subset= Trt==0, select=c(L,R)) EM(csub1) data(pruitt) EM(pruitt) } \keyword{nonparametric }