% --- Source file: getSummary.Rd --- \name{getSummary} \alias{getSummary} \title{Compute summary information } \description{ Returns a matrix of estimated parameters, standard errors, test statistics, and p-values. } \usage{ getSummary(fit, sided=2, method=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{fit}{The return object from \code{\link{snp.logistic}}, \code{\link{snp.matched}}, \code{glm()}, or a list with names "parms" and "cov" containing parameter estimates and the variance-covariance matrix for the estimates. No default. } \item{sided}{1 or 2 for a 1 or 2 sided p-values. The default is 2.} \item{method}{Vector of values from "UML", "CML", "EB" or "CCL", "HCL", "CLR". The default is NULL.} } \details{ This function returns a matrix similar to \code{summary(glm.obj)$coefficients}, except the p-values are always computed using the normal distribution. } \value{ A matrix with column names "Estimate", "Std.Error", "Z.value", and "Pvalue". The rownames of the returned matrix will be the names of \code{parms} if \code{parms} is a vector. } %\references{ } %\author{ } \examples{ parms <- 1:5 cov <- matrix(data=1, nrow=5, ncol=5) getSummary(list(parms=parms, cov=cov)) # Compare to summary() set.seed(123) n <- 100 y <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5) x <- cbind(runif(n), rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)) fit <- glm(y ~ x, family=binomial()) sum <- summary(fit) sum$coefficients getSummary(fit) } \keyword{ misc }