\name{plotSpikeCI} \alias{plotSpikeCI} \title{ plot spike concentration vs measured intensity} \description{ plot spike known concentration and measured intensity of one array. } \usage{ plotSpikeCI(spike, parameter,array = 1, bc = FALSE, area = TRUE, meanpoint = TRUE,xlab = "log(Concentration)", ylab = "log(Intensity)", main = colnames(spike$R)[array], onlycalib = TRUE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, pch = 19, cex = 0.2, meanpch = 21, meancex = 1, lwd = 1.5, cy5col = "red", cy3col = "green", ...) } \arguments{ \item{spike}{ a \code{SpikeList} object.} \item{parameter}{a \code{ParameterList} object.} \item{array}{ integer giving the array to be plotted. } \item{bc}{a logical value. \code{TRUE} means background corrected measured intensities are used. Default is FALSE.} \item{area}{ a logical value. \code{TRUE} means spot area is used to calculate measured intensities. Namly, measured intensities are calculated by foreground intensities(or background corrected intensities, if bc is \code{TRUE}) multiply spot area. \code{FALSE} means spot area is not used. Default is \code{TRUE}.} \item{meanpoint}{ a logical value. \code{TRUE} is to show meanpoint of measured intensities with the same concentration on the plot. \code{FALSE} means not show. } \item{xlab}{ a title for the x axis.} \item{ylab}{ a title for the y axis.} \item{main}{ an overall title for the plot.} \item{onlycalib}{ a logical value. \code{TRUE} means only the calibration controls are on the plot. \code{FALSE} means to plot all the spikes} \item{xlim}{ the x limits (min,max) of the plot.} \item{ylim}{ the y limits of the plot.} \item{pch}{ a integer code for one of plotting characters or symbols for the spike data set. Default is 21.} \item{cex}{ a numerical value giving the amount by which the points which indicate spike data set should be scaled relative to the default. Default is 0.4.} \item{meanpch}{ a integer code for one of plotting characters or symbols for the meanpoints. Default is 21.} \item{meancex}{ a numerical value giving the amount by which the meanpoints should be scaled relative to the default value. Default is 1.} \item{lwd}{ width of the model curves. Default is 1.5.} \item{cy5col}{ color of all symbols for cy5. Default is red.} \item{cy3col}{ color of all symbols for cy3. Default is green.} \item{\dots}{ other graphical parameters can be used in function \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}.} } \details{ The function plots spike concentration and measured intensity of one array. array number is specified by the argument \code{array}. It accepts the concentration of given array from the agrument \code{spike}, which is a \code{\link[CALIB:spike]{SpikeList}} object. The measured intensities are calculated from \code{spike}. Four different ways can be used to calculate the measured intensities. Arguments \code{bc} and \code{area} are logical and their combinations are used for specifying the four differents ways. \code{bc} indicates using background correction or not. \code{area} indicates multipling spot area or not. The default value of these two arguments are \code{bc} = FALSE and \code{area} = TRUE. In order to help data visualization, meanpoints and model curve can be added on the plot. And the arguments \code{meanpoint} and \code{parameter} are correspond to these. The meadians of every group of measured intensities which have the same concentration are shown on the polt if \code{meanpoint} is true. Model curves of both dye are shown if the arguement \code{parameter} is specified after parameter estimation. } \value{ A plot is created on the current graphics device. } \author{ Hui Zhao} \seealso{ see graphic functions \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}, \code{\link[graphics]{par}}} \examples{ # load data: spike data(spike) # specify the array to be plotted. array <- 1 # use the default values for other parameters. plotSpikeCI(spike,array=array) # after parameter estimation, the model curves can be shown on the plot. data(parameter) plotSpikeCI(spike,parameter,array=array) } \keyword{ hplot}