\name{runCompIndep} \alias{runCompIndep} \title{Function checks the arguments and parameters for compIndep.} \description{ Makes sure that the same set of proteins are used for both each of the first two arguments. } \usage{ runCompIndep(TSNMat, estMat, intersectMat) } \arguments{ \item{TSNMat}{Incidence Matrix for the True State of Nature (TSN) bipartite graph} \item{estMat}{Incidence Matrix for the estimate bipartite graph} \item{intersectMat}{A matrix of integers: the (i,j)th entry of this matrix is the cardinality of the intersection between the i-th complex of TSN and the j-th complex of the estimate.} } \details{ See above } \value{ A numeric matrix: Matrix that calculates the probablistic independence that a protein will be in both complex C-i of the TSN and K-j in the estimate. } \examples{ data(simEX) data(APComEX) CC = runCompareComplex(simEX, APComEX) runCompIndep(simEX, APComEX, CC[[1]]) } \author{T. Chiang} \keyword{datagen}