\name{applyFPErrors} \alias{applyFPErrors} \title{Function to generate the False Postive Observations} \description{ This function generates the stochastic False Positive (FP) observations for each bait protein used in the AP-MS simulation. } \usage{ applyFPErrors(notFoundProt, rateFP) } \arguments{ \item{notFoundProt}{A vector of proteins} \item{rateFP}{A scalar within the unit interval indicating the rate at which stochastic FN obersevations are observed.} } \details{ This function tries to simulate the stochastic nature of the AP-MS technology. The overall simulation function, \code{\link{runSimulators}}, will call the \code{\link{simulator}} function on each bait protein along with some uniform random rate at which the technology is estimated to generate FP observations. } \value{ A character vector of proteins, proteinFP: The proteinsFP is a vector consisting of a subset of the notFoundProt proteins which will serve as the FP output for bait B } \author{T.Chiang} \seealso{\code{\link{applyFNErrors}}, \code{\link{applyStickyError}}} \examples{ data(TSNMatrix) exampleNotFoundPrey <- rownames(TSNMatrix)[50:100] applyFPErrors(exampleNotFoundPrey, 0.04) } \keyword{datagen}