\name{regmap} \alias{regmap} \title{image function wrapper} \description{ A simple wrapper around the image function } \usage{ regmap(m,scale=c(-6,6),na.color=par("bg"),...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{m}{a matrix} \item{scale}{Include a graph scale showing this range of values \sQuote{image} function} \item{na.color}{the color to draw over NA values} \item{\dots}{additional paramters to \sQuote{image}} } \details{ A small wrapper around the \sQuote{image} function to display genome region summary statistics. Additional parameters will be passed along to the image function. The scale argument is a two-element vector that provides a floor and ceiling for the matrix and allows a crude scale bar to be included on the lower potion of the graph. For other colors consider using the geneplotter (dChip.colors) or marrayPlots (maPalette) library functions (i.e. regmap(m, col=dChipColors(50))) } \author{Kyle A. Furge} \seealso{\code{\link{image}},\code{\link{summarizeByRegion}}} \examples{ m <- matrix(rnorm(6*4),ncol=6) colnames(m) <- c(1:6) rownames(m) <- c("1p","1q","2p","2q") regmap(m,scale=c(-1,1)) } \keyword{manip}