\name{aafTableAnn} \alias{aafTableAnn} \title{Constructor for aafTable objects from annotation data} \description{ Constructs an \code{aafTable} object given a set of probe ids and desired annotation types. } \usage{ aafTableAnn(probeids, chip, colnames = aaf.handler(chip = chip), widget = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{probeids}{character vector of probe ids} \item{chip}{name of the data package in which the annotation data is stored} \item{colnames}{character vector of annotation types} \item{widget}{boolean, use widget to select columns?} } \value{ An \code{aafTable} object. } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{annaffy@colinsmith.org}} \seealso{\link{aafTable-class}} \keyword{ file }