\name{indexProbes.CdfEnvAffy} \alias{indexProbes.CdfEnvAffy} %\alias{indexProbes.AltAffyBatch} \title{ indexes for probes } \description{ A function to get the index for probes } \usage{ indexProbes.CdfEnvAffy(object, which, probeSetNames = NULL) %indexProbes.AltAffyBatch(object, which, probeSetNames = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ \code{CdfEnvAffy}}% or \code{AltAffyBatch}} \item{which}{ which kind of probe are of interest (see details). } \item{probeSetNames}{ names of the probe sets of interest. If \code{NULL}, all the probe sets are considered. } } \details{ The parameter \code{which} let one specify which category of probes are of interest. In the case of Affymetrix chips, probes can be \code{"pm"} probes or \code{"mm"} probes. It the parameter is set to \code{c("pm", "mm")}, both are returned. Should other categories be defined, they can be handled as well. % One can note that the method \code{indexProbes} defined for the % class \code{AltAffyBatch} in only a convenience % accessor function (since logically the indexes are computed from the cdfenv % information). } \value{ A \code{list} of indexes. } \seealso{\code{\link{CdfEnvAffy-class}}, \code{\link[affy]{AffyBatch-class} }} \examples{ } \keyword{ manip }