\name{affycomp.figures.auxiliary} \alias{affycomp.figures.auxiliary} \alias{affycomp.figure1} \alias{affycomp.figure1b} \alias{affycomp.figure2} \alias{affycomp.figure2b} \alias{affycomp.figure3} \alias{affycomp.figure4a} \alias{affycomp.figure4b} \alias{affycomp.figure4c} \alias{affycomp.figure5a} \alias{affycomp.figure5b} \alias{affycomp.figure5c} \alias{affycomp.figure5d} \alias{affycomp.figure5e} \alias{affycomp.figure6a} \alias{affycomp.figure6b} \title{Auxiliary functions to create Figures} \description{ These functions are auxiliary function to \code{\link{affycompPlot}}. These Figures are used to assess an expression measure. They take components created by the \code{\link{assessDilution}} and \code{\link{assessSpikeIn}} functions. } \usage{ affycomp.figure1(l,main="Figure 1",xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL) affycomp.figure1b(l,main="Figure 1b",xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,cex=0.85,all=FALSE) affycomp.figure2(l,main="Figure 2") affycomp.figure2b(l,main="Figure 2b") affycomp.figure3(l, main = "Figure 3") affycomp.figure4a(l, main = "Figure 4a",equal.lims=FALSE) affycomp.figure4b(l, main = "Figure 4b") affycomp.figure4c(l, rotate=TRUE, main = "Figure 4c") affycomp.figure5a(l, main = "Figure 5a",maxfp=100) affycomp.figure5b(l, main = "Figure 5b",maxfp=100) affycomp.figure5c(l, main = "Figure 5c",maxfp=100) affycomp.figure5d(l, main = "Figure 5d",maxfp=100) affycomp.figure5e(l, main = "Figure 5e",maxfp=100) affycomp.figure6a(l, main = "Figure 6a",xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) affycomp.figure6b(l, main = "Figure 6b",xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{l}{A list with the necessary components to create the Figure. See details.} \item{main}{Title for the Figure.} \item{maxfp}{range of the false positives in ROC will be from 0 to \code{maxfp}} \item{xlim}{x-axis limits.} \item{ylim}{y-axis limits.} \item{cex}{size of numbers in figure 1b.} \item{all}{logical. If \code{TRUE} all spikeins are shown. Otherwise, only those resulting in smaller, realistic, fold changes are shown.} \item{equal.lims}{logical. If \code{TRUE} the limits of x-axis and y-axis will have same range.} \item{rotate}{in the case of compfig4c one can eiher show the actual local slopes or the bias (local slope minus 1).} } \details{ Read the vignette for more details on what each Figure is. You can read \code{\link{assessSpikeIn}} and \code{\link{assessDilution}} to see which assessments are needed. } \value{ Figures are produced. } \author{Rafael A. Irizarry} \examples{ %%some examples %%the functions not shown in example need another assessment function data(rma.assessment) affycomp.figure1(rma.assessment$MA) affycomp.figure2(rma.assessment$Dilution) affycomp.figure3(rma.assessment$Dilution) affycomp.figure4a(rma.assessment$Signal) affycomp.figure4b(rma.assessment$Dilution) affycomp.figure5a(rma.assessment$FC) affycomp.figure5b(rma.assessment$FC2) affycomp.figure6a(rma.assessment$FC) affycomp.figure6b(rma.assessment$FC) } \keyword{hplot}