\name{loadmirnapathways} \alias{loadmirnapathways} \title{Load gene to pathway associations for miRNApath} \description{ This method loads associations between genes and the pathways to which they belong. } \usage{ loadmirnapathways(mirnaobj, pathwayfile, genecol="Entrez Gene ID", pathwaycol="PATHWAY", columns=c(), pathwayidcol=NA) } \arguments{ \item{mirnaobj}{ An object of type mirnapath containing data resulting from the \code{loadmirnapath} method. } \item{pathwayfile}{ The file containing the gene to pathway associations. } \item{genecol}{ The name of the column header which contains the gene names associated with pathway data. } \item{pathwaycol}{ The name of the column header which contains the pathway names. } \item{columns}{ The names of any additional columns in the file being read which should equate with the mirnapath object. } \item{pathwayidcol}{ The (optional) column header for IDs associated with the pathway names. } } \details{ The data loaded is expected to have gene names which exactly match those gene names loaded by \code{loadmirnatogene}. } \value{ The method returns an object of type mirnapath, a list with components: \item{ mirnaTable }{ data.frame containing the miRNA results data } \item{ columns }{ list containing the names of required column headers associated to the actual column header supplied in the dataset contained in mirnaTable. Required headers: mirnacol, assayidcol. Optional headers: groupcol, pvaluecol, foldchangecol, expressioncol, filterflagcol } \item{ groupcount }{ the number of groups contained in mirnaTable using the groupcol, if supplied } \item{ state }{ the current state of the object, using the following values in order of progress through the typical workflow: unfiltered, filtered, enriched. } } \references{ John Cogswell (2008) Identification of miRNA changes in Alzheimer's disease brain and CSF yields putative biomarkers and insights into disease pathways, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 14, 27-41. } \author{ James M. Ward \email{jmw86069@gmail.com} } \seealso{ \code{\link{loadmirnapath}}, \code{\link{filtermirnapath}}, \code{\link{loadmirnatogene}}, \code{\link{loadmirnapathways}}, \code{\link{runEnrichment}} } \examples{ ## Load miRNA expression data from AD miRNA paper ## This data contains miRNA expression data, data(mirnaobj); ## Write a file as example of required input write.table(mirnaobj@mirnaPathways, file = "mirnaPathways.txt", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, na = "", sep = "\t"); ## Load the gene to pathway associations mirnaobj <- loadmirnapathways( mirnaobj = mirnaobj, pathwayfile = "mirnaPathways.txt", pathwaycol = "Pathway Name", genecol = "Entrez Gene ID"); ## Display summary, noting the number of genes reported mirnaobj; } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ manip } \keyword{ attribute }