\name{internal} \alias{conditionCall.JavaException} \alias{conditionMessage.JavaException} \alias{getLastJavaException} \alias{createListener} \title{Functions for internal or illustrative use by SJava} \description{ These functions are for internal use by SJava, or are used in primarily outdated examples. } \usage{ \S3method{conditionMessage}{JavaException}(c) \S3method{conditionCall}{JavaException}(c) getLastJavaException() createListener(methods, jinterface, jname = "", superClass = "org.omegahat.R.Java.RJavaInstance") } \arguments{ \item{c}{A condition object.} \item{methods}{a named list of functions to be invoked, in particular \code{actionPerformed} to implement callback methods of \code{jinterface}.} \item{jinterface}{A Java class (e.g., \code{java.awt.event.ActionListener}) for which the listener is to be created.} \item{jname}{A name (as used by \code{\link{.JNew}}) used to refer to this dynamically compiled class.} \item{superClass}{The super class for the defined and dynamically compiled class.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{conditions}} } \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}