CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.5 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Corrected a bug in the condition file name checking. o When using edgeR, it was not possible to de-activate the drawing of the quality assessment plots. o Some edgeR changes to the API have been ported to the stable R version, should not have occured... The following are changes that adapt to that new API, changes ported from version the easyRNASeq development version 1.3.3... o Adapted to the new arguments of the edgeR estimateTagwiseDisp function o Removed the dispersion.method argument from the plotMeanVar edgeR method call as this argument is defunct. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.4 ------------------------- o Added the manuscript citation. o Updated the package version dependencies. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.3 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added an additional validity check for chromosome names Thanks to Simon Anders for generating a reproducible use-case for that. o Ensure that gtf with non Ensembl ID are correctly parsed as well. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.2 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Corrected a bug that was considering a GTF file as a GFF file. Thanks to Simon Anders for spotting this. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added an enhanced read length check CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------- o Stable version released as part of Bioconductor 2.10 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.10 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added a naPositionFilter extending ShortRead srFilters BUG FIXES o Worked on Wade Davis case with 3 different sets of chromosome names in the three different input (reads, annotation, chromosome sizes) o Worked on smoother error handling when not using bam files. Again through Wade Davis example o Ensured that chromosome names conversion occurs whether provided with a factor or a character vector o extended the NAMESPACE CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.9 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Added an \alias{RNAseq} to ease the class documentation access; an H.Pages suggestion o Changed the DESCRIPTION file to make sure that the latest ShortRead (1.13.13) and BiocGenerics (0.1.11) package are required CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.8 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Corrected the last occurence of the deprecated matchMatrix call o Corrected an issue on windows raised by the parallel package. Thanks to Wade Davis for pointing that one out. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.7 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Fixed the NAMESPACE and the vignette generation CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Thanks to Francesco Lescai, a bug was fixed. Namely I was not expecting the chromosome names in the bam files and in the chromosome name lists to be two different set with a common intersect. I always consider that one would be the subset of the other one. Now, when such situation occurs only the common set is kept and used for the calculations. o Herve Pages changed the findOverlaps value. It is now an object of the Hits class that does not support the matchMatrix accessor anymore. The code was adapted to the new accessor queryHits. o Corrected the package structure to add a vignettes sub-directory. Moved the relevant files there CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.5 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Removed the fitInfo method extension to the DESeq package as it as been implemented in that package o Reworked the plotDispersionEstimates and .normalizationDispatcher function to deal with the new fitInfo function (the information is stored in an environment rather than in a list) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4 ------------------------ o Package introduced in Bioconductor