\name{summarize.miR} \Rdversion{0.99.0} \alias{summarize.miR} \title{ ExiMiR summarization function. } \description{ Apply median summarization on the given \code{AffyBatch} object according to the GAL or CDF environment } \usage{ summarize.miR(abatch, out.type=c("ExpressionSet","data.frame")) } \arguments{ \item{abatch}{ An \code{AffyBatch} Object. } \item{out.type}{ Character vector. By default, the output is an \code{ExpressionSet}. \code{data.frame} can be also used. } } \details{ The GAL or CDF environment hash is used to gather probes median intensity values into the probeset record. } \value{ An \code{ExpressionSet} or a \code{data.frame} depending on the out.type argument. } \examples{ data(galenv) data(GSE20122) abatch.spike <- norm.miR(GSE20122, figures.show=FALSE) eset.spike <- summarize.miR(abatch.spike) data.spike <- summarize.miR(abatch.spike, out.type="data.frame") } \author{ Sylvain.Gubian, Alain Sewer, PMP SA }