\name{ReadExi} \Rdversion{0.99.0} \alias{ReadExi} \title{ Exiqon 'txt' files reader } \description{ This function reads Exiqon 'txt' files and create an \code{AffyBatch} object. } \usage{ ReadExi( txtfile.path= getwd(), galname= NULL, description = NULL, notes = '', rm.background = FALSE, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{txtfile.path}{ Character vector. Path to the folder which contains samplesinfo.txt and Exiqon 'txt' files } \item{galname}{ Character vector. Name of a GAL environment generated by the ExiMiR \code{make.gal.env} function. } \item{description}{ a \code{MIAME} object. } \item{notes}{ notes. } \item{rm.background}{ Logical. Default value is \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the background median is subtracted from the signal median. } \item{verbose}{ Logical. Default value is \code{TRUE}; some details are provided on the console } } \details{ Exiqon 'txt' files are supplied with a samplesinfo.txt description file which lists the names of the samples files per channel. The \code{txtfile.path} argument should be a folder that contains 'txt' files and a samplesinfo.txt file. If not, the \code{ReadExi} function stops. The \code{galname} argument should be the name of the GAL environment created with \code{make.gal.env} function. If \code{galname} is not provided, an hashed environment is created based on the annotation that the 'txt' file contains. } \value{ An \code{AffyBatch} object. } \examples{ # The folder 'Exiqon' contains the file 'samplesinfo.txt' and # the corresponding raw data files in TXT format \dontrun{ebatch <- ReadExi(txtfile.path='Exiqon')} # If the GAL environment has already created by the function make.gal.env \dontrun{ebatch <- ReadExi(galenv='galenv, 'txtfile.path='Exiqon')} } \author{ Sylvain Gubian, Alain Sewer, PMP SA } \section{Warning}{ The \code{image} method from the \code{AffyBatch} object might not work properly when the \code{galname} argument is not assigned. } \seealso{ \code{AffyBatch}, \code{make.gal.env} }